Making admins care about their guests

How to Run a Successful Gaming Server

Admins are often pretty creative guys, its a drug ;)



1). Get a test server, or make one on the same computer as the one you use as a gaming server (if it is powerful enough).


2). Be available (Discord, Ventrilo, Skype, Teamspeak, FB, Mail, Forum, Homepage etc).


3). People depend on you and if they post in one of the above, be respectful and show them that you actually read the post.


4). Make updates when there is less people on the server.


5). Make sure things work on the server before you go bananas doing other stuff (adding more mods before solving problems), this will absolutely payoff later.


If you are restricting a function in the game be respectful and share this in a forum or put it in the rules if its somehow connected with a specific rule.

In the absence of information, people will make stuff up so it is up to you to learn the hard way or be that clever server owner and share the information.


6). About the homepage... well there are several CMS systems out there for free and most of 'em got chat, shoutbox and so on (php-fusion is just one example, easy to use and user friendly).


7). Pick the right admins if you're not suppose to be active (if the server is your "baby" be online).


And of course give them the right tools to solve their assignement. (doing this the wrong way may cause your server to die).


New admins tend to play with their "god status" so keep this in mind when choosing people administrating YOUR server.


8). If you recruit bAdmins, your server will get reputations well earned.


9). Rules, rules, rules... You need them, and the server admins and players need 'em. Be objective and clear with the meaning of the rule.


Warnings, Kicks and Bans will teach people how to behave so it is really important that you balance punishments according to the "crime".


10). Donating money - People will donate if you are doing the above right.



//D-Bug aka Buggis - 17 years experience (Gaming servers only)

Mamuntisunio, el photonius - Jalium calaniluitus